| | | | Dear SDN Member, | | We've officially announced the release of Java Platform, Standard Edition (SE) 6 with full support from NetBeans IDE 5.5. Whether working on Solaris, Linux, or Windows operating systems, Java applications can be deployed with confidence when you leverage our new developer services featuring Java MultiPlatform Support. | | | | Download Java SE 6 platform with NetBeans IDE 5.5 today and begin experiencing development that is: | | Better Improved graphical user interface libraries along with the design tools in NetBeans IDE 5.5 simplify rich client application development and expand native platform support. | | Easier Complete, lightweight platform to develop and deploy .NET compatible web services. | | Faster Improved diagnostic facilities for tracking memory usage, thread behavior, and native system interactions helping identify the cause of application bugs and performance bottlenecks faster and easier than ever before. | | Always Open, Yours For the Asking The first pieces of source code for Sun's implementation of Java SE platform are now freely available under GPL(v2) via NetBeans and Java.net communities, with a buildable JDK in the first quarter of 2007. | | | | Ease your Upgrade Get started with our new course, "New Features in the Java SE 6 Platform". | | Try our Online Service for Developers Minimize risk when you try our Sun Developer Expert Assistance for Java SE 6 platform, an online developer support service, for 60 days at no cost. | | Get Peace of Mind Learn how to successfully deploy mission critical Java applications in heterogeneous environments with our Java MultiPlatform Support Offering. | | | | | | |