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Tuesday, July 03, 2007
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-07-02
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2007-07-02 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Janet Daly, W3C Communications Team

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0 Is a Recommendation

The World Wide Web Consortium today released the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 as a Recommendation in three
parts: "Part 0: Primer," "Part 1: Core Language" and "Part 2:
Adjuncts." "In addition to the rigorous interoperability testing,
we're pleased to have given developers the HTTP binding, which
provides simple Web-friendly access to a service," said Jonathan
Marsh (WSO2), Working Group co-Chair. WSDL models and describes
modular Web services and is used to document distributed systems and
to automate communication between applications. WSDL "SOAP 1.1
Binding," "Additional MEPs" and "RDF Mapping" have been published
as Working Group Notes. Read the testimonials and press release and
about Web services.

Planet i18n: Blogs on Web Internationalization

W3C is pleased to announce the launch of Planet i18n. This community
service created by the Internationalization Core Working Group
brings together a variety of blog posts that discuss
internationalization topics. You can subscribe to the RSS feed. If
you own a blog with a focus on internationalization and want to be
added, please contact Richard Ishida (W3C). Read more on the
Internationalization home page.

GRDDL Primer: Working Group Note

The GRDDL Working Group published "GRDDL Primer" as a Working Group
Note. Linking microformats to the Semantic Web, the GRDDL mechanism
is used to extract RDF statements from XHTML and XML content using
programs such as XSLT. The primer contains detailed illustrations of
GRDDL techniques. Visit the Semantic Web home page.

Best Practices for XML Internationalization

The Internationalization Tag Set Working Group published an updated
Working Draft of "Best Practices for XML Internationalization."
These guidelines explain how XML application developers and XML
content authors can create formats and content that enable use by
speakers of a variety of languages and that facilitate the
translation and localization process. The best practices are a
complement to the "International Tag Set" Recommendation. Visit the
Internationalization home page.

German Webinar on Mobile Web

Join us for a free W3C Webinar in German, where you will learn how
to make your Web content mobile-friendly. Philipp Hoschka will show
how you can benefit from the expertise collected through the
documents and tools provided by the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices
Working Group. The Webinar will be held Tuesday, 17 July at 11:00am
Berlin time. Attendance is free but registration is required. Visit
the Mobile Web Initiative home page.

Last Call: Web Services Addressing Metadata

The Web Services Addressing Working Group has released a Last Call
Working Draft of "Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Metadata" to prepare
the specification for consideration as a Proposed Recommendation.
The specification is used to indicate support for the "Web Services
Addressing 1.0 mechanisms" using the "Web Services Policy 1.5
framework" and defines how to express WS-Addressing properties in
the "WSDL." Comments are welcome through 11 July. Read about Web

Fundamentos Web 2007: Registration Open

The W3C Spain Office is pleased to present Tantek Çelik, Jeffrey
Veen, Tim Berners-Lee (by video link), and other noted Web standards
experts at the third edition of Fundamentos Web 2007 (Web
Foundations 2007) on 3-5 October in Gijón, Asturias, Spain.
Well-known representatives from Microsoft, Opera, Mozilla, Nokia,
Konqueror, Flickr, Last FM, and W3C will present at the event.
Registration for the conference, which sold out for the second time
last year, is open and offers discounts for unemployed people as
well as for W3C Members.

Past home page news...

Upcoming Meetings

* W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption,
25-26 September
* W3C/OpenAjax Alliance Workshop on Mobile Ajax, 28 September
* W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, 25-26
* More About Workshops...

* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 11 July, New York, USA: Making Sense of Language Identification:
How changes in ISO 639 and IETF BCP 47 affect language tagging
and selection. Addison Phillips presents at 10th Open Metadata
* 17 July, n/a, n/a: W3C Richtlinien für das Mobile Web. Philipp
Hoschka is at W3C Webinar.
* 20 July, Gießen, Germany: Offene Standards im Internet. Felix
Sasaki gives a lecture at Zentrums für Medien und
Interaktivität, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
* 8 August, Montréal, Canada: Localization of schema languages.
Felix Sasaki presents at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 31 August, Singapore, Singapore: Introduction to the Semantic
Web. Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at International Conference on
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications.
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: New Aspects of InkML for
Pen-Based Computing. Stephen M. Watt presents at International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: Streaming-Archival InkML
Conversion. Stephen M. Watt, Birendra Keshari present at
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
* 26 September, Sydney, Australia: CSS. Bert Bos gives a lecture
at Web Directions South / W3C SIG Day.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: Web Directions breakfast. Bert
Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: A new life for old standards.
Bert Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 3 October, Gijón, Spain: Browser panel. Bert Bos participates in
a panel at Fundamentos Web 2007.
* View upcoming talks by country

* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* Mobile Web 2.0 Forum [Korea]
* Vishwak Solutions Pvt. Ltd. [India]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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