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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-07-23
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2007-07-23 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

CSS 2.1 Is a Candidate Recommendation

W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of "Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) 2.1" to Candidate Recommendation. Implementation
feedback is welcome through 20 December. CSS is one of the Web's
most widely implemented languages. By separating the presentation of
style from the content of documents, CSS simplifies Web authoring
and site maintenance. CSS 2.1 is derived from and is intended to
replace CSS Level 2. A snapshot of usage, the specification brings
the language in line with implementations, fixes errata and adds a
few highly requested features including the inline-block value for
the display property, the color orange and the values pre-wrap and
pre-line for the white-space property. Visit the CSS home page.

XBL 2.0 Primer: An Introduction for Developers

The Web Application Formats Working Group has published the First
Public Working Draft of "XBL 2.0 Primer: An Introduction for
Developers." This practical guide to using the XML Binding Language
introduces both basic and advanced concepts and describes best
practices. XBL extends the appearance and behavior of elements in
Web formats such as HTML. Learn more about the Rich Web Client

Note: WSDL Element Identifiers

The Web Services Policy Working Group has published " WSDL 1.1
Element Identifiers" as a Working Group Note. These fragment
identifiers and IRI-references, designed to be easy for authors to
understand and compare, are for use in Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) 1.1 documents. Read about Web services.

Versioning XML Languages Using XML Schema 1.1

The XML Schema Working Group has released an updated Working Draft
of "Guide to Versioning XML Languages using XML Schema 1.1." XML
Schema 1.1 introduces new features that make it easier to define XML
languages which are flexible enough to tolerate later revision in a
forward-compatible way. Written for application and schema
developers, the guide shows the new mechanisms and illustrates
several techniques. Visit the XML home page.

Access to Relational Databases: Call for Participation

Position papers are due 10 September for the Workshop on RDF Access
to Relational Databases to be held 25-26 October in Cambridge, MA,
USA, hosted by Novartis. Workshop attendees from the Semantic Web
and relational database communities will examine commonalities,
distinctions and next steps for expressing relational data in RDF.
Read about W3C Workshops and about the Semantic Web.

Compound Document Formats: Call for Implementations

The Compound Document Formats Working Group has released four
Candidate Recommendations: "Compound Document by Reference Framework
1.0," "WICD Core 1.0," "WICD Full 1.0," and "WICD Mobile 1.0."
Implementor feedback is welcome through 1 December. A preliminary
implementation report is available, and a test suite is under
development. The Web Integration Compound Document (WICD, pronounced
"wicked") is a device independent Compound Document profile based on
XHTML, CSS and SVG. The drafts describe presentation, linking and
navigation behavior when multiple documents are combined. Read more
about Rich Web Clients.

GRDDL Is a Proposed Recommendation

W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of "GRDDL" and "GRDDL
Test Cases" to Proposed Recommendations. Comments are welcome
through 24 August. Linking microformats to the Semantic Web, the
GRDDL mechanism is used to extract RDF statements from XHTML and XML
content using programs such as XSLT. Read about the Semantic Web.

Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format: Working Draft

The Efficient XML Interchange Working Group has published the First
Public Working Draft of "Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0"
. EXI is a very compact representation for the eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) Information Set that is intended to simultaneously
optimize performance and the utilization of computational resources.
Using a relatively simple algorithm and a small set of data types,
it reliably produces efficient encodings of XML event streams. Learn
more about XML.

Past home page news...

Upcoming Meetings

* W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption,
25-26 September
* W3C/OpenAjax Alliance Workshop on Mobile Ajax, 28 September
* W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, 25-26
* More About Workshops...

* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 23 July, Vienna, Austria: Das Neueste vom W3C Web Accessibility
Initiative (WAI). Shadi Abou-Zahra presents at 2.
* 25 July, Oxford, United Kingdom: Microformats: what are they,
and why should we use them?. Dan Connolly presents at XML Summer
* 7 August, Montréal, Canada: Representation of overlapping
structures. Michael Sperberg-McQueen presents at Extreme Markup
* 7 August, Montréal, Canada: Writing an XSLT optimizer in XSLT.
Michael Kay presents at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 7 August, Montréal, Canada: Advanced approaches to XML document
validation. Jirka Kosek, Petr Nalevka present at Extreme Markup
* 8 August, Montréal, Canada: Localization of schema languages.
Felix Sasaki presents at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 8 August, Montréal, Canada: Localization of schema
languagesCharacterizing XQuery implementations: Categories and
key features. Liam Quin presents at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 8 August, Montréal, Canada: Streaming validation of schemata:
The lazy typing discipline. Paolo Marinelli, Fabio Vitali
present at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 9 August, Montréal, Canada: Mind the Gap: Seeking holes in the
markup-related standards suite. Chris Lilley, James David Mason
participate in a panel at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 9 August, Montréal, Canada: Converting into pattern-based
schemas: A formal approach. Fabio Vitali, Antonina Dattolo
present at Extreme Markup Languages.
* 10 August, Montréal, Canada: Declarative specification of XML
document fixup. Henry Thompson participates in a panel at
Extreme Markup Languages.
* 31 August, Singapore, Singapore: Introduction to the Semantic
Web. Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at International Conference on
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications.
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: Streaming-Archival InkML
Conversion. Stephen M. Watt, Birendra Keshari present at
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: New Aspects of InkML for
Pen-Based Computing. Stephen M. Watt presents at International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
* 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Mobile Web 2.0. Philipp Hoschka
presents at W3C-Tag 2007 - Rich Internet Applications.
* 26 September, Sydney, Australia: CSS. Bert Bos gives a lecture
at Web Directions South / W3C SIG Day.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: A new life for old standards.
Bert Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: Web Directions breakfast. Bert
Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 3 October, Gijón, Spain: Browser panel. Bert Bos participates in
a panel at Fundamentos Web 2007.
* 19 October, Orlando, FL, USA: Making the Future Web Accessible
to People with Disabilities. Shawn Henry presents at "I Invent
the Future" Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2007.
* View upcoming talks by country

* More talks...

W3C Membership

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Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* Clark & Parsia LLC [United States]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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