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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-08-13
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2007-08-13 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Janet Daly, W3C Communications Team

New W3C Markup Validator Unveiled

W3C's most popular service just got better, prettier, faster, and
smarter. The W3C Markup Validator has a new user interface and a
validation engine with improved accuracy and performance. Among new
features are an automatic cleanup option using HTML Tidy, and
checking of HTML fragments. Driven by W3C as an open-source software
project, the markup validator is made by Web professionals for Web
professionals, and aims to be a major step in any Web development
quality process. Read the change log for a list of all changes and
new features.

Web Services Policy Primer and Guidelines for Authors: Working Drafts

The Web Services Policy Working Group released two updated Working
Drafts. The "Primer" introduces the policy language and policy
attachment mechanisms. The "Guidelines for Policy Assertion Authors"
provide best practices for creating policy assertions. Both are
companions to the Web Services Policy 1.5 "Framework" and
"Attachment" specifications. Read about Web services.

Box Model and Advanced Layout: CSS3 Working Drafts

The CSS Working Group released two updated Working Drafts for the
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language Level 3. "The CSS basic box
model" describes the basic layout of textual documents in visual
media. The "CSS3 Advanced Layout Module" defines visual order
independent of document order, position and alignment of user
interface widgets, and page and window grids. Visit the CSS home

Service Modeling Language (SML): Working Drafts

The Service Modeling Language (SML) Working Group released the First
Public Working Drafts of the "Service Modeling Language, Version
1.1" and its "Interchange Format." SML is used to model complex
services and systems including their structure, constraints,
policies and best practices. Based on XML Schema and Schematron, SML
allows inter-document references and user-defined constraints. Read
more about XML.

Distributed Web Applications: Workshop Report

The report of the Workshop on Declarative Models of Distributed Web
Applications is available. The report recommends that W3C create
requirements for declarative modeling of Web applications, and a gap
analysis that identifies where existing standards are insufficient.
The Workshop was hosted in Dublin by MobileAware with the support of
the Irish State Development Agency, Enterprise Ireland. Read about
W3C Workshops and about the Ubiquitous Web.

Past home page news...

Upcoming Meetings

* W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption,
25-26 September
* W3C/OpenAjax Alliance Workshop on Mobile Ajax, 28 September
* W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, 25-26
* More About Workshops...

* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 31 August, Singapore, Singapore: Introduction to the Semantic
Web. Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at International Conference on
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications.
* 19 September, London, United Kingdom: Will W3C Mobile Web Best
Practices Help End Fragmentation of Standards and Enable a
Coherent Web Experience?. Philipp Hoschka participates in a
panel at Informa Mobile Web 2.0 Conference.
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: Streaming-Archival InkML
Conversion. Stephen M. Watt, Birendra Keshari present at
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
* 24 September, Curitiba, Brazil: New Aspects of InkML for
Pen-Based Computing. Stephen M. Watt presents at International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
* 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Mobile Web 2.0. Philipp Hoschka
presents at W3C-Tag 2007 - Rich Internet Applications.
* 26 September, Sydney, Australia: CSS. Bert Bos gives a lecture
at Web Directions South / W3C SIG Day.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: Web Directions breakfast. Bert
Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: A new life for old standards.
Bert Bos presents at Web Directions South.
* 3 October, Gijón, Spain: Browser panel. Bert Bos participates in
a panel at Fundamentos Web 2007.
* 18 October, Darmstadt, Germany: Wege zum Semantischen Web. Klaus
Birkenbihl presents at 4. Kongress Semantic Web und
* 19 October, Orlando, FL, USA: Making the Future Web Accessible
to People with Disabilities. Shawn Henry presents at "I Invent
the Future" Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2007.
* View upcoming talks by country

* More talks...

W3C Membership

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Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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