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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
  Re: W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-09-24
On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 19:39 -0400, W3C Newsletter wrote:
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

Due to a software problem, yesterday's Newsletter did not
include the full list of upcoming talks. I have updated the
Newsletter on the Web and included them below.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I believe the bug
has been fixed as well.

_ Ian Jacobs

> The 2007-09-24 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:


> Upcoming Talks

* 25 September, Linz, Austria: Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.Shadi Abou-Zahra presents at [27]IKT Forum
* 25 September, Linz, Austria: Barrierefreies Webdesign.Shadi
Abou-Zahra, Gerhard Nussbaum give a tutorial at [28]IKT Forum
* 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Barrierefreiheit in Rich Internet
Applications.Shadi Abou-Zahra presents at [29]W3C-Tag 2007.
* 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Open Standards Rich Internet
Applications.Steven Pemberton presents at [30]W3C-Tag 2007 -
Rich Internet Applications.
* 26 September, Sydney, Australia: CSS.Bert Bos gives a lecture at
[31]Web Directions South / W3C SIG Day.
* 26 September, Bristol, United Kingdom: Towards the Web of
things.Dave Raggett presents at [32]Web Developers Conference.
* 26 September, Berlin, Germany: Mobile Web 2.0.Philipp Hoschka
presents at [33]W3C-Tag 2007 - Rich Internet Applications.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: A new life for old
standards.Bert Bos presents at [34]Web Directions South.
* 27 September, Sydney, Australia: Web Directions breakfast.Bert
Bos presents at [35]Web Directions South.
* 3 October, Gijón, Spain: Browser panel.Bert Bos participates in
a panel at [36]Fundamentos Web 2007.
* 3 October, New York, New York, USA: Web Demand: How Financial
Services Can Leverage Emerging Web Technologies.Steve Bratt
presents at [37]IT/Networking Trends & Technology and Solutions.
* 5 October, San Sebastian, Spain: How Web Accesibility Guidelines
Apply to Design for the Ageing Population.Shadi Abou-Zahra
presents at [38]AAATE Conference.
* 10 October, Paris, France: The increasing importance of Open Web
Standards to improve eGovernment.José Manuel Alonso presents at
[39]eGovInterop '07.
* 15 October, Seattle, Washington, USA: XML Schema 1.1 and the
versioning of XML vocabularies.Michael Sperberg-McQueen presents
at XML @ Boeing 2007.
* 15 October, Seattle, Washington, USA: Semi-structured data and
XML Query .Jim Melton presents at XML @ Boeing 2007.
* 17 October, Madrid, Spain: How to make the most out of
eGovernment.José Manuel Alonso presents at [40]"Webelopers
Day" of the Internet NG Conference.
* 17 October, Madrid, Spain: Semantic Web: a Short
Introduction.Ivan Herman presents at [41]"Webelopers Day" of the
Internet NG Conference.
* 18 October, Darmstadt, Germany: Wege zum Semantischen Web.Klaus
Birkenbihl presents at [42]4. Kongress Semantic Web und
* 19 October, Orlando, FL, USA: Making the Future Web Accessible
to People with Disabilities.Shawn Henry presents at [43]"I
Invent the Future" Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in
Computing 2007.
* 19 November, Beijing, China: Semantic Web Adoption.Ivan Herman
presents at [44]首届中国语义万维网研讨会 (CSWS 2007).
* 22 November, Hangzhou, China: What is the Semantic Web?.Ivan
Herman presents at Zheijiang University.

> * View upcoming talks by country
> tryListing=yes&submit=Submit
> * More talks...

Ian Jacobs (
Tel: +1 718 260-9447

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