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Thursday, December 27, 2007
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2007-12-26
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2007-12-26 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Janet Daly, W3C Communications Team

Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Drafts: Format, Best Practices, Primer

The Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Working Group has published
three documents: First Public Working Drafts of "EXI Best Practices"
and "EXI Primer," as well as a Working Draft of "EXI Format 1.0."
EXI is a very compact representation for the "Extensible Markup
Language (XML) Information Set" that is intended to simultaneously
optimize performance and the utilization of computational resources.
Using a relatively simple algorithm, which is amenable to fast and
compact implementation, and a small set of data types, it reliably
produces efficient encodings of XML event streams. The primer and
best practices documents complement the format specification. The
best practices document also presents information suitable for the
general reader interested in EXI's intended role in the expanding
Web. Learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity.

Device Description Repository Core Vocabulary

The Mobile Web Initiative Device Description Working Group has
published the First Public Working Draft of "Device Description
Repository Core Vocabulary." This document describes the Device
Description Repository Core Vocabulary for Content Adaptation, that
is, the properties that are considered essential for adaptation of
content in the mobile Web. Its intended use is to define a baseline
vocabulary for implementations of the Device Description Repository
(DDR). Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative Activity.

Last Call: Selectors API; New Draft of DOM Level 3 Events

The Web API Working Group has published the Last Call Working Draft
of "Selectors API." Selectors, which are widely used in CSS, are
patterns that match against elements in a tree structure. The
Selectors API specification defines methods for retrieving Element
nodes from the Document Object Model (DOM) by matching against a
group of selectors. Comments are welcome through 06 January 2008.
The Working Group has also published a Working Draft of "DOM Level 3
Events," a generic platform- and language-neutral event system
which allows registration of event handlers, describes event flow
through a tree structure, and provides basic contextual information
for each event. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

W3C Invites Implementations of DCCI 1.0 (Candidate Recommendation);
first draft of Delivery Context Ontology available

The Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group has published the
Candidate Recommendation of "Delivery Context: Client Interfaces
(DCCI) 1.0." This document defines platform and language neutral
programming interfaces that provide Web applications access to a
hierarchy of dynamic properties representing device capabilities,
configurations, user preferences and environmental conditions. In
addition, the Working Group has published the First Public Working
Draft of "Delivery Context Ontology," which provides a formal model
for the delivery context which other specifications can reference
normatively. Learn more about the Ubiquitous Web Applications

Last Call: SVG Print 1.2 Language, Primer

The SVG Working Group has published Last Call Working Drafts of "SVG
Print 1.2, Part 2: Language" and "SVG Print 1.2, Part 1: Primer."
The former defines features of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Language that are specifically for printing environments; the latter
provides guidelines on how to use the print specification with SVG
1.2 Tiny and SVG 1.2 Full modules. Comments on both specifications
are welcome through 08 February. Learn more about the Graphics

Public Virtual Seminar on Web Issues to be Organized by W3C Spain

On 23 January 2008, the W3C Spain Office will hold a virtual seminar
where W3C staff will discuss the latest news in Web topics such as
e-Government, Video on the Web, and Mobile Web in developing
countries; see the program for the full list of topics and speakers.
The public is invited to participate over the Internet in the
seminar, which will take place in English from 15:00 to 18:00
(UTC/GMT); see the participation instructions. The seminar, hosted
by UPM, will also be broadcast online. Learn more about the W3C
Spain Office.


Note: Device Description Repository Requirements 1.0

The Mobile Web Initiative Device Description Working Group has
published the Group Note of "Device Description Repository
Requirements 1.0." This document describes the use cases for a
Device Description Repository (DDR). Each use case is analyzed in
order to determine the behavior expected of a DDR in order to
realize it. These expected behaviors are captured as high-level
requirements, which when normalized across all use cases, lead to a
discrete set of DDR requirements. Learn more about the Mobile Web
Initiative Activity.

Cool URIs for the Semantic Web (First Public Draft)

The Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group has released
a first Working Draft of a document explaining the effective use of
URIs to enable the growth of the Semantic Web. URIs (Uniform
Resource Identifiers) — more simply called "Web addresses" — are at
the heart of the Web and also of the Semantic Web. "Cool URIs for
the Semantic Web" discusses two strategies for choosing URIs for the
Semantic Web, gives pointers to several Web sites that use these
solutions, and briefly discusses why several other alternatives are
less effective. Comments on this draft are requested by 21 January,
to be integrated into a final document at the end of the Group's
charter. Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.

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Upcoming Talks

* 23 January 2008, n/a, n/a: eGovernment and the Web. José Manuel
Alonso is at Virtual W3C Seminar.
* 23 January 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA: Unifying a Fragmenting
Market Through Standardisation to Encourage Mobile Web Industry
Development. Matt Womer presents at Mobile Web USA.
* 30 January 2008, Stockholm, Sweden: The Semantic Web. Olle
Olsson presents at JFokus 2008.
* 31 January 2008, Gijón, Spain: TIC y Gobernabilidad. José Manuel
Alonso participates in a panel at Cooperación al desarrollo 2.0.
* 7 March 2008, Tokyo, Japan: State of the Semantic Web. Ivan
Herman presents at INTAP Semantic Web Conference 2008.
* 8 March 2008, Austin, TX, USA: Catching up with Accessibility:
The Basics Quickly. Shawn Henry presents at SXSW Interactive
2008 Conference.
* 1 April 2008, Berlin, Germany: Analysing The Importance Of
Standardisation In Driving Mobile Internet Usage. Philipp
Hoschka presents at Mobile Internet.
* 21 April 2008, Beijing, China: RDFa: Extensible Structured Data
in HTML. Ben Adida, Elias Torres, Ivan Herman give a tutorial at
17th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008).
* 21 April 2008, Beijing, China: Producing XML that works
internationally. Richard Ishida, Felix Sasaki give a tutorial at
17th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008).
* 21 April 2008, Beijing, China: Introduction to the Semantic Web
(through an example…). Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 17th
World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008).
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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
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