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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2008-04-14
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2008-04-14 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Six OWL 2 Drafts Published

The OWL Working Group published six drafts today related to the OWL
2 Web Ontology Language:
* "Structural Specification and Functional-Style Syntax"
* "Model-Theoretic Semantics"
* "Mapping to RDF Graphs"
* "XML Serialization"
* "Profiles"
* "Primer"

OWL 2 (previously known as OWL 1.1) defines extensions to "OWL,"
which is one of the core standards of the Semantic Web. Semantic Web
terms (such as "author" or "title") can be organized into
vocabularies (such as "data about publications"). OWL is used to
represent the meaning of terms (see, for example, the work of the
Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group) in these vocabularies
(or, "ontologies'), and relationships between those terms. Three of
the drafts published today (syntax, semantics, and mapping-to-rdf)
are the same as their January 2008 counterparts except for the name
change. Of the three new drafts: "XML Serialization" specifies a new
XML (not RDF/XML) syntax for OWL; "Profiles" specifies subsets
(logical fragments) of OWL that target particular application
contexts; and the "Primer" provides a unified technical introduction
to OWL 2. The Working Group seeks feedback on these drafts and has
highlighted particular issues throughout the documents. Learn more
about the Semantic Web.

Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces Working Draft Published

The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has published an updated
Working Draft of Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces (MMI
Architecture), which defines a loosely coupled architecture for
multimodal user interfaces. The main change in this draft is a more
thorough specification of the events sent between the Runtime
Framework and the Modality Components, including both schemas for
the individual messages and ladder diagrams showing message
sequences. The architecture envisioned by the Working Group will
provide a general and flexible framework providing interoperability
among modality-specific components from different vendors - for
example, speech recognition from one vendor and handwriting
recognition from another. Learn more about W3C's Multimodal
Interaction Activity.

Content Transformation Guidelines 1.0, Comments on First Public Draft

The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group has published the First
Public Working Draft of "Content Transformation Guidelines 1.0."
This document provides guidance to managers of content
transformation proxies and to content providers for how to
coordinate when delivering Web content. Content transformation
techniques diverge widely on the web, with many non-standard HTTP
implications, and no well-understood means either of identifying the
presence of such transforming proxies, nor of controlling their
actions. This document establishes a framework to allow that to
happen. Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative Activity.

Four "Widgets 1.0" Working Drafts Published

The Web Application Formats Working Group has published four Working
Drafts related to Widgets 1.0: The Widget Landscape (Q1 2008),
"Packaging and Configuration," "Digital Signature," and
"Requirements" ; these are the First Public drafts for Digital
Signatures and Landscape. Widgets are small client-side Web
applications for displaying and updating remote data, that are
packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation on a
client machine, mobile phone, or mobile Internet device. "Landscape"
reviews commonalities and fragmentation across widget user agents
and explores how fragmentation currently affects, amongst other
things, authoring, security, distribution and deployment,
internationalization and the device-independence of widgets.
"Packaging" defines a Zip-based packaging format and an XML-based
configuration document format for widgets. "Digital Signature"
defines a profile of the XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
specification to allow a widget resource to be digitally signed.
"Requirements" lists the design goals and requirements that
specification would need to address in order to standardize various
aspects of widgets. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.


Requirements of Japanese Text Layout Draft Published

"" Participants from four W3C Groups — CSS, Internationalization
Core, SVG and XSL Working Groups — as part of the Japanese Layout
Task Force published "Requirements of Japanese Text Layout." This
document describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized
with technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO. The document is mainly
based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS X 4051. However, it
also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X 4051. "Japanese
version" is also available. Learn more about "basics of Japanese
text layout" and W3C's Internationalization Activity.

Last Call: XHTML Role Attribute Module

The XHTML2 Working Group has published the second Last Call Working
Draft of "XHTML Role Attribute Module." The XHTML Role Attribute
defined in this specification allows the author to annotate XML
Languages with machine-extractable semantic information about the
purpose of an element. Use cases include accessibility, device
adaptation, server-side processing, and complex data description.
This attribute can be integrated into any markup language based upon
XHTML Modularization. Comments are welcome through 10 May. Learn
more about the HTML Activity.

Language Bindings for DOM Specifications Draft Published

The Web API Working Group has published the Working Draft of
"Language Bindings for DOM Specifications." This specification
defines an Interface Definition Language (IDL) to be used by other
specifications that define a Document Object Model (DOM). The
document also addresses how interfaces described with this IDL
correspond to constructs within ECMAScript and Java execution
environments. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 Draft Published

The Math Working Group has published a Working Draft of
"Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0." This is the
third draft of MathML, an XML application for describing
mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content.
The goal of MathML is to enable mathematics to be served, received,
and processed on the World Wide Web, just as HTML has enabled this
functionality for text. Learn more about the Math Activity.

Rich Web Application Backplane Incubator Group to Study Building Blocks
for Web Applications

W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Rich Web Application
Backplane Incubator Group, sponsored by W3C Members CWI, HP, IBM,
and Xerox. The mission of the XG is to explore and refine the
architecture of a "Rich Web Application Backplane" -- a set of
common building blocks for Web applications. The XG charter states:
"[B]enefits to end-user interaction of adopting such common
infrastructure will include richer user interaction enabled through
simplified approaches to mixing multiple interaction technologies in
a single application. The ability to easily share data across
multiple components, and to freely intermix AJAX and declarative
components, should support a wider range of high function composable
UIs." Like all XG's, this group's work is not standards-track. Read
more about the Incubator Activity, an initiative to foster
development of emerging Web-related technologies.

Last Call: Device Description Repository Simple API

The Mobile Web Initiative Device Description Working Group has
published the First Public and Last Call Working Draft of "Device
Description Repository Simple API." Web content delivered to mobile
devices usually benefits from being tailored to take into account a
range of factors such as screen size, markup language support and
image format support. Such information is stored in "Device
Description Repositories" (DDRs). This document describes a simple
API for access to DDRs, in order to ease and promote the development
of Web content that adapts to its Delivery Context. Comments are
welcome through 01 May. Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative.

Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Drafts Show Power of Data

The mission of the W3C Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) Interest
Group is to show how to use Semantic Web technology to answer
cross-disciplinary questions in life science that have, until now,
been prohibitively difficult to research. Today the HCLS Interest
Group published two Working Drafts. The first describes the
"construction and use of the knowledge base" that was used as part
of a demonstration of life sciences data integration at the the 2007
World Wide Web Conference in Banff, Canada. The second document
explains the process of " integrating data with an existing Semantic
Web knowledge base." The success of the group continues to draw
industry interest. W3C Members are currently reviewing a draft
charter that would enable the renewed HCLS Interest Group to develop
and support use cases that have clear scientific, business and/or
technical value, using Semantic Web technologies in three areas:
life science, translational medicine, and health care. We invite all
W3C Members to review the draft charter (which is public during the
review), and encourage those who are interested in using the
Semantic Web to solve knowledge representation and integration on a
large scale to join the Interest Group. Learn more about the
Semantic Web Activity.

Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog
* A validator is not an accessibility evaluation tool? by
Michael(tm) Smith

* Unescape HTML Entities in Python by Karl Dubost

* Past Q&A Blog ...

Upcoming Meetings

* Workshop on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social
Development, 2-3 June
* More About Workshops...

* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

WWW 2008

Multiple presenters will be at W3C Track, The 17th International
World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008) in Beijing, China:

21 April

* Producing XML that works internationally, by Richard Ishida,
Felix Sasaki
* Introduction to the Semantic Web (through an example…), by Ivan
* RDFa: Extensible Structured Data in HTML, by Ben Adida, Elias
Torres, Ivan Herman

23 April

* W3C booth, by Marie-Claire Forgue
* Geolocation in the Mobile Web , by Dave Raggett
* Making a Web Site Accessible Both for Mobile Devices and for
People with Disabilities, by Henny Swan
* Localization and Internationalization of Layout on the Web, by
Paul Nelson
* Internationalizing Speech Synthesis, by Zhi Wei Shuang
* International Domain Names, by Tina Dam
* Adopting International Standards Locally: The Importance of
Harmonization , by Judy Brewer
* Linking Open Data, by Chris Bizer, Tom Heath, Tim Berners-Lee
* A World of Stakeholders: Lessons from Global Outreach, by Daniel
* Semantic Web Development in China, by Huajun Chen
* Managing Online Video (or Multimedia) Content with the Semantic
Web, by Raphaël Troncy
* What you Need to Know to Reach a Chinese Audience?, by Richard
* News from W3C's Mobile Web Initiative, by Dominique
* Mobile Web in Rural China, by Stéphane Boyera

24 April

* POWDER Use Cases, by Kai-Dietrich Scheppe
* Wicked Wide Web: Integrating Documents and Devices, by Doug
* Accessibility for rich Web applications, by Lisa Pappas
* Video on the Web, by Philippe Le Hégaret
* Standards and mobile applications, services and widgets, by Art
* Web Usage in China, by Weihan Liu
* HTML 5, the future of Web Content, by Michael Smith
* Web applications security issues, by Thomas Roessler
* Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web, by
José Manuel Alonso
* Building a More Secure Browser, by Mary-Ellen Zurko

Upcoming Talks

* 17 April, Stockholm, Sweden: Vad nytt under webben?. Olle Olsson
is at SICS Open House 2008.
* 17 April, Stockholm, Sweden: HTML 5 - kommande HTML-standard.
Olle Olsson presents at SICS Open House 2008.
* 18 April, Stockholm, Sweden: Framtidsspaning. Olle Olsson
presents at ITARC2008.
* 22 April, Beijing, China: Looking To The Future: Web
Accessibility, Ageing, and Emerging Web Trends. Shadi Abou-Zahra
gives a keynote at W4A 2008.
* 23 April, Rabat, Morocco: L'Importance des Standards Ouverts
pour l'Interopérabilité . Najib Tounsi presents at Atelier
International «Développement de l'administration électronique :
Rôle et importance de l'interopérabilité des SI de
* 24 April, Beijing, China: Designing the Web for All of Society.
Shawn Henry presents at W3C Track, The 17th International World
Wide Web Conference (WWW2008).
* 24 April, Beijing, China: The Future of Web Applications. Tim
Berners-Lee gives a keynote at The 17th International World Wide
Web Conference (WWW2008).
* 26 April, Budapest, Hungary: [title TBD]. Bert Bos presents at
Magyarországi Web Konferencia 2008.
* 6 May, Dublin, Ireland: XForms 1.1. Steven Pemberton gives a
tutorial at XTech 2008.
* 6 May, Gelsenkirchen, Germany: Verordnete (Barriere-)Freiheit.
Shadi Abou-Zahra participates in a panel at Einfach-für-Alle
* 8 May, Dublin, Ireland: CSS Advanced Layout is not only for big
grids. Bert Bos presents at XTech 2008.
* 8 May, Dublin, Ireland: Why you should have a Website. Steven
Pemberton presents at XTech 2008.
* 14 May, Stockholm, Sweden: Internationalisering och lokalisering
-- språk på webben. Olle Olsson presents at Språk och Internet.
* 18 May, San Jose, CA, USA: State of the Semantic Web. Ivan
Herman presents at 2008 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 19 May, Canberra, Australia: Improving Government through better
use of the Web. José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote at Web
Directions South: Government.
* 20 May, Barcelona, Spain: Fast Forward: Get Ready for Web 3.0.
Steve Bratt gives a keynote at bdigital Global Congress.
* 22 May, San Jose, CA, USA: Bringing SemTech Back to the
Business. Ivan Herman participates in a panel at 2008 Semantic
Technology Conference.
* 27 May, London, United Kingdom: One Big Happy Family: Practical
Collaboration on Meaningful Markup . Dan Brickley presents at
Microformats vEvent.
* 2 June, Västerås, Sweden: Framtidssäkra eFörvaltningen. Olle
Olsson participates in a panel at Offentliga Rummet 2008.
* 17 June, New York, NY, USA: Web of Data. Tim Berners-Lee
presents at LinkedData Planet Conference: exploring the new web
of linked data.
* 18 June, Nancy, France: State of the Semantic Web. Ivan Herman
gives a keynote at 19èmes Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des
Connaissances (IC2008).
* 19 June, Baltimore, Maryland, USA: How New Web Accessibility
Standards Impact User Experience Design. Shawn Henry presents at
Usability Professionals' Association International Conference
* View upcoming talks by country

* More talks...

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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
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