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Thursday, March 26, 2009
  Create. Develop. Win: JavaFX $25,000 Coding Challenge
JavaFX coding challenge - win $25,000. Register.
Create. Develop. Win. JavaFX Coding ChallengeSubmit an application you've designed using JavaFX and win up to $25,000
Dear Kiran E,
Use your creative talents to design a winning application with JavaFX! Register here.
We will be awarding cash prizes for the best submissions from both professional and student developers. Get the details, then get busy - you could win up to $25,000 and receive a showcase spot for your new application on
Take the Challenge
There is no limit to break-through thinking. If you're a developer in the professional or student communities, there is an opportunity for you to win in the JavaFX Coding Challenge.
Get to work on your own JavaFX application and submit before the deadline - May 29, 2009.
Multiple Cash Prizes and Gift Certificates for Honorable Mentions
Cash prizes of $5,000, $10,000 and our top prize of $25,000 will be awarded to professional developers or students.
Three additional $1500 cash prizes will be awarded to the top applications submitted by students. One prize per entry.
Up to 100 honorable mention prizes of a $25 Amazon gift certificate will be awarded (restrictions apply).
All top entries will be showcased on as examples of great new applications!
The deadline for submission is May 29, 2009. See challenge details for more information.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message to
Thank You,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
JavaFX Coding Challenge
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Born on shraavana shudha chauthi of dundubhi naama samvaswara, Im kiran alias kini alias kiri bought up by loving parents. Being from agricultural family I have learnt plowing, carting but never learnt climbing trees. Now away from home I have lost touch with the agricultural skills.

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