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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-04-06
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-04-06 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Opens Maputo Workshop on Fostering Development through Mobile

Today is the first day of the W3C Workshop on the Africa Perspective
on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic
Development, in Maputo, Mozambique. The agenda of the Workshop
focuses on the challenges of using mobile phones and Web
technologies to deliver services to underprivileged populations of
developing countries. International experts, local actors,
researchers, and NGOs are participating in the meeting, hosted by
the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of
Mozambique and organized as part of the Digital World Forum project
(European Union's FP7). The W3C Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) thanks
the Workshop sponsors for their support.

W3C Launches Social Web Incubator Group

W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Social Web Incubator
Group. The group's mission is to understand the systems and
technologies that permit the description and identification of
people, groups, organizations, and user-generated content in
extensible and privacy-respecting ways. The group will be co-chaired
by Dan Appelquist (Vodafone), Dan Brickley (Vrije Universiteit),
Harry Halpin (W3C Fellow from the University of Edinburgh with
support from Eduserv). The following W3C Members have sponsored the
charter for this group: ASemantics, Boeing, Cisco, DERI Galway at
the National University of Ireland, Garlik, Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Institute of
Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT-NCSR), NICTA, Rochester
Institute of Technology, SUN Microsystems, Talis, Telecom Italia,
University of Bristol, University of Edinburgh, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, University of Versailles, Vrije Universiteit,
and Vodafone. Read more about the Incubator Activity, an initiative
to foster development of emerging Web-related technologies.
Incubator Activity work is not on the W3C standards track.

Five POWDER Documents published; Three Last Call Drafts

The Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) Working Group
published five Working Drafts today. The purpose of the Protocol for
Web Description Resources (POWDER) is to provide a means for
individuals or organizations to describe a group of resources
through the publication of machine-readable metadata. The primary
change in these publications relates to the IRI canonicalization
sections of the Grouping of Resources document (sections 2.1.3 -
2.1.5). The group published these documents:
* "Description Resources" (Last Call); which details the creation
and lifecycle of Description Resources (DRs), which encapsulate
* "Grouping of Resources" (Last Call); which describes how sets of
IRIs can be defined such that descriptions or other data can be
applied to the resources obtained by dereferencing IRIs that are
elements of the set.
* "Formal Semantics" (Last Call); which describes how the
relatively simple operational format of a POWDER document can be
transformed for processing by Semantic Web tools
* "Primer"
* "Test Suite"

Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.

CSS Template Layout Module

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published the
Working Draft of "CSS Template Layout Module." This specification
is part of level 3 of CSS ("CSS3") and contains features to describe
layouts at a high level, meant for tasks such as the positioning and
alignment of "widgets" in a graphical user interface or the layout
grid for a page or a window, in particular when the desired visual
order is different from the order of the elements in the source
document. Learn more about the Style Activity.

eGovernment Stakeholder Meeting Summary Published

The W3C's eGovernment Interest Group has published a Meeting Summary
from its 12-13 March eGovernment stakeholder meeting in Washington,
D.C. The purpose of the meeting was to obtain feedback on the First
Public Working Draft of the group's "Improving Access to Government
through Better Use of the Web," published on 1 March 2009. Featured
speakers at the meeting included Beth Noveck, US Office of Science
and Technology Policy, Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation, and Steve
Ressler, GovLoop, as well as meeting co-chairs Kevin Novak, American
Institute of Architects, John Sheridan, UK National Archives, and
W3C Team contact Jose Alonso. Key subject areas addressed by
participants were: Openness and Transparency in Government; Social
Networking; Data Interoperability and Semantic Web in Government;
and Multi-Channel Deliver and Information Access via Mobile
Platforms. The term "eGovernment" refers to the use of the Web or
other information technologies by governing bodies (local, state,
federal, multi-national) to interact with their citizenry, between
departments and divisions, and between governments themselves. Learn
more about the W3C's eGovernment Activity.

Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures Draft Published

The Web Applications Working Group has published a Working Draft of
"Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures." This document defines a profile
of the XML Signature Syntax and Processing 1.1 specification to
allow a widget package to be digitally signed. Widget authors and
distributors can digitally sign widgets as a trust and quality
assurance mechanism. Prior to instantiation, a user agent can use
the digital signature to verify the integrity of the widget package
and perform source authentication. This document specifies
conformance requirements on both widget packages and user agents.
Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog

No recent entries in the Q&A Blog.

Upcoming Meetings

* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 17 April, Washington, DC, USA: Interoperability and Web
Applications. Kevin Novak presents at eGov Washington Workshop:
Putting Open Standards to Work for Transparency, Security and
* 21 April, Madrid, Spain: Web Accessibility and Older Users - We
Are There!. Andrew Arch gives a keynote at W4A2009 -
International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web
* 23 April, Madrid, Spain: Panel on Multilingual Web Sites.
Richard Ishida participates in a panel at 18th World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2009).
* 24 April, Brussels, Belgium: Improving Society through Better
Use of Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler presents at Openforum
Summit 2009.
* 7 May, Oslo, Norway: WCAG 2.0 - addressing the needs of people
with disabilities and older people.. Andrew Arch presents at Do
Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?.
* 11 June, London, United Kingdom: De-Fragmentation & Apps in the
Cloud. Philipp Hoschka participates in a panel at Open Mobile
Summit 09.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* National Institute of Informatics [Japan]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

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