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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-04-27
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-04-27 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Last Call: OWL 2

The OWL Working Group has published new Working Drafts for OWL 2, a
language for building Semantic Web ontologies. An ontology is a set
of terms that a particular community finds useful for organizing
data (e.g., for data about a book, useful terms include "title" and
"author"). OWL 2 (a compatible extension of "OWL 1" ) consists of 13
documents (7 technical, 4 instructional, and 2 group Notes). For
descriptions and links to all the documents, see the " OWL 2
Documentation Roadmap." This is a "Last Call" for the technical
materials and is an opportunity for the community to confirm that
these documents satisfy requirements for an ontology language. This
is a second Last Call for six of the documents, but because the
changes since the first Last Call are limited in scope, the review
period lasts only 21 days. For an introduction to OWL 2, see the
four instructional documents: an "overview," "primer," "list of
new features," and "quick reference." Learn more about the
Semantic Web.

HTML 5, Differences from HTML 4 Drafts Published

The HTML Working Group has published a Working Draft of "HTML 5."
HTML 5 adds to the language of the Web: features to help Web
application authors, new elements based on research into prevailing
authoring practices, and clear conformance criteria for user agents
in an effort to improve interoperability. This particular draft
specifies how authors can embed SVG in non-XML text/html content,
and how browsers and other UAs should handle such embedded SVG
content. See also the news about moving some parts of HTML 5 to
individual drafts. The " full list of changes" since the previous
draft are listed in the updated companion document "HTML 5
differences from HTML 4." Learn more about the HTML Activity.

Four Web Application API Drafts Published

The Web Applications Working Group has published four First Public
Working Drafts of specifications for APIs that enhance the open Web
platform as a runtime environment for full-featured applications:
* " Web Storage" provides APIs for persistent client-side data
storage by Web applications.
* "Web Workers" defines an API for enabling thread-like operations
(using message-passing) in Web applications, so that certain
application tasks can be run in parallel.
* " Web Sockets API" provides an API for full-duplex communication
between a Web application and a remote host.
* " Server-Sent Events" defines an API for opening an HTTP
connection for receiving push notifications from a server in the
form of DOM events.

The Web Storage, Web Sockets API, and Server-Sent Events
specifications were previously published as parts of the "HTML 5"
specification, but will now each become Recommendation-track
deliverables within the Web Applications Working Group. Learn more
about the Rich Web Client Activity.

Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events Draft Published

The Web Applications Working Group has published a Working Draft of
"Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events." Widgets are full-fledged
client-side applications that are authored using Web standards.
Examples range from simple clocks, stock tickers, news streamers,
games and weather forecasters, to complex applications that pull
data from multiple sources to be "mashed-up" and presented to a user
in some interesting and useful way The APIs and Events specification
defines a set of APIs and events for the Widgets 1.0 family of
specifications. The specification allows application writers to
access widget configuration information, monitor changes in the
widget display, determine locale information, monitor updates to the
widget, and more. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

W3C Invites Implementations of Media Queries

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group invites
implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of "Media Queries."
HTML4 and CSS2 currently support media-dependent style sheets
tailored for different media types. For example, a document may use
sans-serif fonts when displayed on a screen and serif fonts when
printed. 'screen' and 'print' are two media types that have been
defined. Media Queries extend the functionality of media types by
allowing presentations to be tailored more precisely to device
characteristics. Learn more about the Style Activity.

CSS 2.1 Candidate Recommendation Updated

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group updated the Candidate
Recommendation of "Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS
2.1) Specification." CSS 2.1 is a style sheet language that allows
authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts and spacing) to
structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML applications).
CSS 2.1 corrects a few errors in CSS2 (the most important being a
new definition of the height/width of absolutely positioned
elements, more influence for HTML's "style" attribute and a new
calculation of the 'clip' property), and adds a few highly requested
features which have already been widely implemented. But most of all
CSS 2.1 represents a "snapshot" of CSS usage: it consists of all CSS
features that are implemented interoperably. This draft incorporates
errata resulting from implementation experience since the previous
publication. Learn more about the Style Activity.

WWW2009 Opens with Tim Berners-Lee Keynote "Twenty Years"

Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the Web, delivered the
opening keynote address at the WWW2009 Conference earlier today in
Madrid, Spain; keynote slides are available. During his talk, titled
"Twenty Years," he touched on the future as well, including topics
such as Web applications, open social networking and open linked
data. Shortly before his keynote, Berners-Lee joined Dame Wendy
Hall, Robert Caillau, Vint Cerf, Dale Dougherty and Mike Shaver on a
panel to share thoughts on the twentieth anniversary of the Web. W3C
encourages people to join the W3C track, which this year features
two "camps": the Mobile Widgets camps on 23 April and the Social Web
Camp on 24 April. Follow discussion on the #w3ctrack twitter feed.

Eight Proposed Recommendations for XSLT, XPath, XQuery Published

The XSL and XML Query Working Groups have published eight Proposed
Edited Recommendations for Second Editions of "XSL Transformations
(XSLT)," "XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language," "XML Syntax for
XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX)" and "XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0," together
with their supporting documents, "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data
Model (XDM)," "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics," "XSLT
2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization" and "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0
Functions and Operators." The second editions, if approved, will
add the generate-id function from XSLT to XPath and XQuery, and will
also incorporate the outstanding errata, including a number of
clarifications that may affect implementations. Enhanced test suites
are being augmented and will be published shortly. Review welcome by
31 May 2009. Learn more about XML.

Last Call: "rdf:text Primitive Datatype"

The OWL Working Group and the Rule Interchance Format (RIF) Working
Group have jointly published a Last Call Working Draft of "rdf:text:
A Datatype for Internationalized Text." This datatype, compatible
with "XML Schema 1.1 Datatypes," is used within RIF and OWL 2 to
provide support for text in various languages and scripts
(identified by a BCP 47 tag such as "fr" for French). The document
defines the datatype, discusses its relationship to "RDF Plain
Literals" and the "XML Schema string datatype," and specifies
functions (compatible with "XPath" ) for operating on rdf:text data
values. It also discusses how to use this feature within RDF
serializations. Learn more about the Semantic Web.

First Draft: Usage Patterns For Client-Side URI parameters

The Technical Architecture Group has published the First Public
Working Draft of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URI parameters."
The goal of this draft TAG finding is to initially collect the
various usage scenarios that are leading to innovative uses of
client-side URI parameters, along with the solutions that have been
developed by the Web community. As highly interactive applications
get built using Web parts (HTML, CSS and JavaScript component
resources) that are themselves Web addressable, there is an
increasing need for encoding interaction state as part of the URI.
The Web is beginning to discover and codify design patterns based on
fragment identifiers for many of these use cases. Learn more about
the Technical Architecture Group.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog
* Interview: Rotan Hanrahan on MobileAware Participation in W3C,
Role of Standards by Ian Jacobs
* Past Q&A Blog ...

Upcoming Meetings

* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 3 May, Atlanta, GA, USA: Unleashing Opportunities through
Accessibility. Shawn Henry presents at STC Technical
Communication Summit.
* 4 May, Atlanta, GA, USA: Advancing Web Accessibility. Shawn
Henry presents at STC Technical Communication Summit.
* 7 May, Hammamet, Tunisia: Web Accessibility with WCAG 2.0:
International Cooperation, Local Implementation. Shawn Henry
gives a keynote at ICTA 2009 International Conference on
Information and Communication Technology & Accessibility.
* 7 May, Oslo, Norway: WCAG 2.0 - addressing the needs of people
with disabilities and older people.. Andrew Arch presents at Do
Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?.
* 9 May, Hammamet, Tunisia: Improving Your Web Site with WCAG 2.0.
Shawn Henry gives a tutorial at ICTA 2009 International
Conference on Information and Communication Technology &
* 26 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Introduction to the Semantic
Web. Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at PhD School Course,
Netherlands Bioinformation Centre.
* 11 June, London, United Kingdom: De-Fragmentation & Apps in the
Cloud. Philipp Hoschka participates in a panel at Open Mobile
Summit 09.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 20 July, Seattle, WA, USA: Accessibility: It's for Everyone and
Everything. Shawn Henry presents at Web Design World 2009
* 21 July, Seattle, WA, USA: Accessibility in a Web 2.0 World.
Shawn Henry presents at Web Design World 2009 Seattle (discount
"Passport" registration code: S9W06).
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* Energistics [United States]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

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This edition on the Web:
Latest Public Newsletter:

Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-04-13
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-04-13 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Invites Developers to Mobile Widgets, Social Web Camps During

W3C invites people to attend the W3C Track at WWW2009, in Madrid,
Spain on 23-24 April 2009. Part of WWW2009, the first day of the
track is a Mobile Widgets Camp and the second a Social Web Camp.
Conference participants and the local developer community are
invited to submit topics of discussion in advance, via the W3C Track
wikis. In addition to the W3C Track, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director
and inventor of the Web, will deliver the WWW2009 opening keynote
titled "Twenty Years: Looking Forward, Looking Back". Read the press

W3C Germany and Austria Office Moves to Potsdam

After 12 years of successful work at Fraunhofer (or former GMD) the
W3C Germany and Austria Office moves from Sankt Augustin (near Bonn)
to Postdam (near Berlin). The University of Applied Sciences in
Potsdam (FHP) is the new host of the Office. A ceremonial launch is
planned for September 2009. Felix Sasaki will be the new Office
Manager at FHP.

W3C would like to thank Fraunhofer and the W3C Germany and Austria
Office staff, led by Thomas Tikwinski and Klaus Birkenbihl before
him, for their contributions to W3C and the Web during the past 12
years. Learn more about the W3C Offices, regional W3C
representatives that help promote the W3C mission.

Note Published: W3C Personalization Roadmap: Ubiquitous Web Integration
of AccessForAll 1.0

The Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group has published the
Group Note of " W3C Personalization Roadmap: Ubiquitous Web
Integration of AccessForAll 1.0." This document describes an
activity of integrating personalization with device context for the
delivery of content materials and interface components that are
customized to meet both individual personal needs and preferences
and delivery context. It brings together the work of separate
standards and specifications organizations and working groups,
notably W3C Ubiquitous Web Applications working group, IMS Global
Learning Consortium Accessibility Special Interest group, ISO/IEC
JTC1 SC36 Information Technology for Learning, Education and
Training: Human Diversity and Access For All working group and
associated working groups in SC36. The document should be viewed as
a roadmap for the work to be undertaken and includes description of
the basis for the work, the organizational context, the likely
technologies and a partially complete description of how the
technologies fit together. Learn more about the Ubiquitous Web
Applications Activity.

Efficient XML Interchange Evaluation Draft Published

The Efficient XML Interchange Working Group has published a Working
Draft of "Efficient XML Interchange Evaluation." This document
presents the anticipated benefits of the EXI format 1.0 compared to
XML and gzipped XML. Additionally, tests for compactness include
comparison to ASN.1 PER. The points of comparison are the
requirements set by the EXI Working Group charter, based on the
results of the XML Binary Characterization Working Group. Learn more
about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog
* SemTech 2009 conference program public by Ivan Herman
* Past Q&A Blog ...

Upcoming Meetings

* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 17 April, Washington, DC, USA: Interoperability and Web
Applications. Kevin Novak presents at eGov Washington Workshop:
Putting Open Standards to Work for Transparency, Security and
* 18 April, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: The Empowering Web. Steve
Bratt gives a keynote at Knowledge Globalization Conference
* 20 April, Madrid, Spain: Web Accessibility for Older Users -
Success and Opportunities. Andrew Arch gives a keynote at
W4A2009 - International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web
* 23 April, Madrid, Spain: Panel on Multilingual Web Sites.
Richard Ishida participates in a panel at 18th World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2009).
* 24 April, Brussels, Belgium: Improving Society through Better
Use of Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler presents at Openforum
Summit 2009.
* 3 May, Atlanta, GA, USA: Unleashing Opportunities through
Accessibility. Shawn Henry presents at STC Technical
Communication Summit.
* 4 May, Atlanta, GA, USA: Advancing Web Accessibility. Shawn
Henry presents at STC Technical Communication Summit.
* 7 May, Oslo, Norway: WCAG 2.0 - addressing the needs of people
with disabilities and older people.. Andrew Arch presents at Do
Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?.
* 7 May, Hammamet, Tunisia: Web Accessibility with WCAG 2.0:
International Cooperation, Local Implementation. Shawn Henry
gives a keynote at ICTA 2009 International Conference on
Information and Communication Technology & Accessibility.
* 9 May, Hammamet, Tunisia: Improving Your Web Site with WCAG 2.0.
Shawn Henry gives a tutorial at ICTA 2009 International
Conference on Information and Communication Technology &
* 11 June, London, United Kingdom: De-Fragmentation & Apps in the
Cloud. Philipp Hoschka participates in a panel at Open Mobile
Summit 09.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past
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This edition on the Web:
Latest Public Newsletter:

Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-04-06
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-04-06 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Opens Maputo Workshop on Fostering Development through Mobile

Today is the first day of the W3C Workshop on the Africa Perspective
on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic
Development, in Maputo, Mozambique. The agenda of the Workshop
focuses on the challenges of using mobile phones and Web
technologies to deliver services to underprivileged populations of
developing countries. International experts, local actors,
researchers, and NGOs are participating in the meeting, hosted by
the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of
Mozambique and organized as part of the Digital World Forum project
(European Union's FP7). The W3C Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) thanks
the Workshop sponsors for their support.

W3C Launches Social Web Incubator Group

W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Social Web Incubator
Group. The group's mission is to understand the systems and
technologies that permit the description and identification of
people, groups, organizations, and user-generated content in
extensible and privacy-respecting ways. The group will be co-chaired
by Dan Appelquist (Vodafone), Dan Brickley (Vrije Universiteit),
Harry Halpin (W3C Fellow from the University of Edinburgh with
support from Eduserv). The following W3C Members have sponsored the
charter for this group: ASemantics, Boeing, Cisco, DERI Galway at
the National University of Ireland, Garlik, Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Institute of
Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT-NCSR), NICTA, Rochester
Institute of Technology, SUN Microsystems, Talis, Telecom Italia,
University of Bristol, University of Edinburgh, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, University of Versailles, Vrije Universiteit,
and Vodafone. Read more about the Incubator Activity, an initiative
to foster development of emerging Web-related technologies.
Incubator Activity work is not on the W3C standards track.

Five POWDER Documents published; Three Last Call Drafts

The Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) Working Group
published five Working Drafts today. The purpose of the Protocol for
Web Description Resources (POWDER) is to provide a means for
individuals or organizations to describe a group of resources
through the publication of machine-readable metadata. The primary
change in these publications relates to the IRI canonicalization
sections of the Grouping of Resources document (sections 2.1.3 -
2.1.5). The group published these documents:
* "Description Resources" (Last Call); which details the creation
and lifecycle of Description Resources (DRs), which encapsulate
* "Grouping of Resources" (Last Call); which describes how sets of
IRIs can be defined such that descriptions or other data can be
applied to the resources obtained by dereferencing IRIs that are
elements of the set.
* "Formal Semantics" (Last Call); which describes how the
relatively simple operational format of a POWDER document can be
transformed for processing by Semantic Web tools
* "Primer"
* "Test Suite"

Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.

CSS Template Layout Module

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published the
Working Draft of "CSS Template Layout Module." This specification
is part of level 3 of CSS ("CSS3") and contains features to describe
layouts at a high level, meant for tasks such as the positioning and
alignment of "widgets" in a graphical user interface or the layout
grid for a page or a window, in particular when the desired visual
order is different from the order of the elements in the source
document. Learn more about the Style Activity.

eGovernment Stakeholder Meeting Summary Published

The W3C's eGovernment Interest Group has published a Meeting Summary
from its 12-13 March eGovernment stakeholder meeting in Washington,
D.C. The purpose of the meeting was to obtain feedback on the First
Public Working Draft of the group's "Improving Access to Government
through Better Use of the Web," published on 1 March 2009. Featured
speakers at the meeting included Beth Noveck, US Office of Science
and Technology Policy, Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation, and Steve
Ressler, GovLoop, as well as meeting co-chairs Kevin Novak, American
Institute of Architects, John Sheridan, UK National Archives, and
W3C Team contact Jose Alonso. Key subject areas addressed by
participants were: Openness and Transparency in Government; Social
Networking; Data Interoperability and Semantic Web in Government;
and Multi-Channel Deliver and Information Access via Mobile
Platforms. The term "eGovernment" refers to the use of the Web or
other information technologies by governing bodies (local, state,
federal, multi-national) to interact with their citizenry, between
departments and divisions, and between governments themselves. Learn
more about the W3C's eGovernment Activity.

Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures Draft Published

The Web Applications Working Group has published a Working Draft of
"Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures." This document defines a profile
of the XML Signature Syntax and Processing 1.1 specification to
allow a widget package to be digitally signed. Widget authors and
distributors can digitally sign widgets as a trust and quality
assurance mechanism. Prior to instantiation, a user agent can use
the digital signature to verify the integrity of the widget package
and perform source authentication. This document specifies
conformance requirements on both widget packages and user agents.
Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog

No recent entries in the Q&A Blog.

Upcoming Meetings

* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 17 April, Washington, DC, USA: Interoperability and Web
Applications. Kevin Novak presents at eGov Washington Workshop:
Putting Open Standards to Work for Transparency, Security and
* 21 April, Madrid, Spain: Web Accessibility and Older Users - We
Are There!. Andrew Arch gives a keynote at W4A2009 -
International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web
* 23 April, Madrid, Spain: Panel on Multilingual Web Sites.
Richard Ishida participates in a panel at 18th World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2009).
* 24 April, Brussels, Belgium: Improving Society through Better
Use of Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler presents at Openforum
Summit 2009.
* 7 May, Oslo, Norway: WCAG 2.0 - addressing the needs of people
with disabilities and older people.. Andrew Arch presents at Do
Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?.
* 11 June, London, United Kingdom: De-Fragmentation & Apps in the
Cloud. Philipp Hoschka participates in a panel at Open Mobile
Summit 09.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* National Institute of Informatics [Japan]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past
issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
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This edition on the Web:
Latest Public Newsletter:

Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Friday, April 03, 2009
  Get the BluePrint: Optimizing Solaris on Intel's New Nehalem Processors
Unleash the Performance and Efficiency of Intel's New Processors
Optimizing the Solaris OS on Intel Xeon 5500 Systems

Dear Kiran E,

For the last two years, Sun and Intel engineers have been working
together to ensure the Solaris platform takes full advantage of the
just-released Intel Xeon processor 5500 series (aka Nehalem).

It won't take you nearly that long. Just download our new Sun
BluePrint: Using the Solaris Operating System to Optimize the Xeon
Processor 5500 Series CPUs.

This quick reference guide provides technical descriptions of
specific features and capabilities that allow the Solaris OS to
scream on Intel's new platform (while operating at peak efficiency
and reliability, of course).

The specifics covered in this paper include:

* Intelligent performance
* Automated energy efficiency
* Reliability and availability
* Developer tools

This guide is intended for developers and system administrators, and
applies to both the Solaris OS and the open source OpenSolaris OS.

Download the BluePrint:

What's next for Sun and Intel? Be sure to join us April 14 for our
Open Network Systems launch event. Sign up for an SMS reminder
to watch the live webcast and join the live chat with John Fowler,
EVP Systems:
Or just go to

If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message

Thank you,

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-03-30
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-03-30 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

W3C Welcomes Feedback on Redesigned Web Site

W3C invites public feedback on a beta release of a W3C site
redesign. The new site features a harmonized design, simplified
information architecture, new style for technical reports, and new
content, including calendars and aggregated blogs. W3C welcomes
feedback on the usability of the site, links to useful information,
contributions of content to new pages, and bug fixes. Take a
10-minute screencast tour of the site, learn more about the
redesign, and find out how you can help.

Patent Advisory Group Launched for "Widgets 1.0: Updates"

In accordance with the W3C Patent Policy, W3C has launched a Patent
Advisory Group (PAG) in response to a disclosure related to the
"Widgets 1.0: Updates" specification; see the PAG charter. The
WebApps Working Group develops this specification. W3C launches a
PAG to resolve issues in the event a patent has been disclosed that
may be essential, but is not available under the W3C Royalty-Free
licensing requirements. Learn more about Patent Advisory Groups.

OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview

The OWL Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft
of "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview." This document,
part 1 of 13 in the OWL 2 document set, serves as an introduction to
OWL 2 and the various other OWL 2 documents. It describes the
various syntaxes for OWL 2, the different kinds of semantics, the
defined profiles (sub-languages), and the differences between OWL 1
and OWL 2. Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.

Exploring Richer Web Content Authoring with CSS and SVG: Five First
Public Drafts

The CSS and SVG Working Groups delivered today five new
specifications for public review, aimed at enabling more compelling
content creation with open Web technologies. The five drafts are:
"SVG Transforms 1.0, Part 2: Language," "CSS 2D Transforms Module
Level 3," "CSS 3D Transforms Module Level 3," "CSS Animations
Module Level 3," and "CSS Transitions Module Level 3." SVG
Transforms allows two-dimensional objects to be transformed using
three-dimensional transformations. CSS 2D Transforms allows elements
rendered by CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional space. CSS 3D
Transforms extends CSS Transforms to allow elements rendered by CSS
to be transformed in three-dimensional space. CSS Animations allow
an author to modify CSS property values over time. CSS Transitions
allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a
specified duration. The groups are working closely together to make
implementing and authoring these features easy and consistent across
Web languages. Learn more about the Style Activity and Graphics

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Draft Published

The Web Applications Working Group has published the Working Draft
of "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing." This document defines a
mechanism to enable client-side cross-origin requests.
Specifications that want to enable cross-origin requests in an API
they define can use the algorithms defined by this specification. If
such an API is used on resources, a resource on
http://hello-world.example can opt in using the mechanism described
by this specification (e.g., specifying Access-Control-Allow-Origin: as response header), which would allow that
resource to be fetched cross-origin from Learn
more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

W3C Invites Implementations of SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization
System) Reference; Primer Also Published

The Semantic Web Deployment Working Group invites implementation of
the Candidate Recommendation of "SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization
System Reference." This document defines the Simple Knowledge
Organization System (SKOS), a common data model for sharing and
linking knowledge organization systems via the Web. SKOS—Simple
Knowledge Organization System—provides a model for expressing the
basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri,
classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies,
folksonomies, and other similar types of controlled vocabulary. As
an application of the Resource Description Framework (RDF), SKOS
allows concepts to be composed and published on the World Wide Web,
linked with data on the Web and integrated into other concept
schemes. The Working Group also published today a Working Draft of
"SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Primer." Learn more
about the Semantic Web Activity.

Five First Public Drafts of Web Services Specifications

The Web Services Resource Access Working Group published five First
Public Working Drafts: "Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration),"
"Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing)," "Web Services Resource
Transfer (WS-RT)," "Web Services Transfer (WS-Transfer)," and "Web
Services Metadata Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange)." The first
describes a general SOAP-based protocol for enumerating a sequence
of XML elements that is suitable for traversing logs, message
queues, or other linear information models. The second describes a
protocol that allows Web services to subscribe to or accept
subscriptions for event notification. The third defines extensions
to WS-Transfer that deal primarily with fragment-based access to
resources to satisfy the common requirements of WS-ResourceFramework
and WS-Management. The fourth describes a general SOAP-based
protocol for accessing XML representations of Web service-based
resources. The fifth defines how metadata associated with a Web
service endpoint can be represented as resources, how metadata can
be embedded in endpoint references, and how metadata could be
retrieved from a Web service endpoint. Learn more about the Web
Services Activity.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog
* A rough view of the future by Philippe Le Hégaret
* News from the Video Media Annotations front by Coralie Mercier
* by Ian Jacobs
* Food, agriculture, and SKOS by Ivan Herman
* Past Q&A Blog ...

Upcoming Meetings

* Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in
Fostering Social and Economic Development, 1-2 April
* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 31 March, Paris, France: Improving Society through Better Use of
Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler presents at Technical
Regulation of the Internet.
* 1 April, Maputo, Mozambique: A Web that Empowers All People.
Steve Bratt gives a keynote at Africa Perspective on the Role of
Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development.
* 17 April, Washington, DC, USA: Interoperability and Web
Applications. Kevin Novak presents at eGov Washington Workshop:
Putting Open Standards to Work for Transparency, Security and
* 21 April, Madrid, Spain: Web Accessibility and Older Users - We
Are There!. Andrew Arch gives a keynote at W4A2009 -
International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web
* 23 April, Lisbon, Portugal: Improving Society through Better Use
of Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler participates in a panel at
ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum.
* 23 April, Madrid, Spain: Panel on Multilingual Web Sites.
Richard Ishida participates in a panel at 18th World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2009).
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

New Members

* Formations House [Pakistan]
* The Apache Software Foundation [United States]

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past
issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the
Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the W3C
Communications Team (

This edition on the Web:
Latest Public Newsletter:

Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
  Create. Develop. Win: JavaFX $25,000 Coding Challenge
JavaFX coding challenge - win $25,000. Register.
Create. Develop. Win. JavaFX Coding ChallengeSubmit an application you've designed using JavaFX and win up to $25,000
Dear Kiran E,
Use your creative talents to design a winning application with JavaFX! Register here.
We will be awarding cash prizes for the best submissions from both professional and student developers. Get the details, then get busy - you could win up to $25,000 and receive a showcase spot for your new application on
Take the Challenge
There is no limit to break-through thinking. If you're a developer in the professional or student communities, there is an opportunity for you to win in the JavaFX Coding Challenge.
Get to work on your own JavaFX application and submit before the deadline - May 29, 2009.
Multiple Cash Prizes and Gift Certificates for Honorable Mentions
Cash prizes of $5,000, $10,000 and our top prize of $25,000 will be awarded to professional developers or students.
Three additional $1500 cash prizes will be awarded to the top applications submitted by students. One prize per entry.
Up to 100 honorable mention prizes of a $25 Amazon gift certificate will be awarded (restrictions apply).
All top entries will be showcased on as examples of great new applications!
The deadline for submission is May 29, 2009. See challenge details for more information.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message to
Thank You,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
JavaFX Coding Challenge
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Sun Microsystems, Inc., 18 Network Circle, M/S: UMPK18-124, Attn: Global eMarketing, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
© 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
  W3C Public Newsletter, 2009-03-16
Dear W3C Public Newsletter Subscriber,

The 2009-03-16 version of the W3C Public Newsletter is online:

A simplified plain text version is available below.

Ian Jacobs, W3C Communications Team

Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web: First
Public Draft

The eGovernment Interest Group has published the First Public
Working Draft of "Improving Access to Government through Better Use
of the Web." The term "eGovernment" refers to the use of the Web or
other information technologies by governing bodies (local, state,
federal, multi-national) to interact with their citizenry, between
departments and divisions, and between governments themselves.
Recognizing that governments throughout the World need assistance
and guidance in achieving the promises of electronic government
through technology and the Web, this document seeks to define and
call forth, but not yet solve, the variety of issues and challenges
faced by governments. The use cases, documentation, and explanation
are focused on the available or needed technical standards but
additionally provide context to note and describe the additional
challenges and issues which exist before success can be realized.
This document has been published in time for W3C's eGovernment
stakeholder meeting in Washington, D.C.. Learn more about the
eGovernment Activity.

Video of Tim Berners-Lee's TED Talk Available

In February, W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee spoke at TED 2009 about
the Semantic Web and linked data (see slides). The video of his TED
talk is now available.

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0: Updated Working Draft

The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has published
an updated Working Draft of the "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines
(UAAG) 2.0." UAAG defines how browsers, media players, and other
"user agents" should support accessibility for people with
disabilities and work with assistive technologies. Read the
invitation to review the UAAG 2.0 Working Draft and about the Web
Accessibility Initiative.

Pointer Methods in RDF: First Draft Published

The Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group today published
"Pointer Methods in RDF" as a First Public Working Draft. This
document provides a framework for representing pointers to identify
locations in content or portions of content, using Resource
Description Framework (RDF). This document is part of Evaluation and
Report Language (EARL) and can be used to extend the "EARL 1.0
Schema." Read the invitation to review Pointer Methods in RDF and
learn more about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Last Call: Selectors Level 3

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published the
Last Call Working Draft of "Selectors Level 3." Selectors are
patterns that match against elements in a tree, and as such form one
of several technologies that can be used to select nodes in an XML
document. Selectors have been optimized for use with HTML and XML,
and are designed to be usable in performance-critical code. Comments
are welcome through 07 April. Learn more about the Style Activity.
Past home page news...

W3C Questions and Answers Blog

No recent entries in the Q&A Blog.

Upcoming Meetings

* Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in
Fostering Social and Economic Development, 1-2 April
* More About Workshops...
* W3C Membership Meeting Calendar...

Upcoming Talks

* 19 March, Los Angeles, CA, USA: The New WCAG 2: Web
Accessibility Q&A with the Editors. Shawn Henry, Michael Cooper,
Loretta Guarino Reid participate in a panel at CSUN
International Technology and Persons with Disabilities
* 19 March, Los Angeles, CA, USA: Towards a More Accessible
Browser. Jeanne Spellman, Jim Allan present at CSUN Center on
Disabilities 24th Annual International Technology and Persons
with Disabilities Conference.
* 21 March, Prague, Czech Republic: XML Processing and
Choreography. Mohamed Zergaoui presents at XML Prague 2009.
* 22 March, Prague, Czech Republic: Exploring XProc. Norman Walsh
presents at XML Prague 2009.
* 24 March, Vienna, Austria: Moving the Web with Standards.
François Daoust presents at Mobile Internet 2009.
* 27 March, Frankfurt, Germany: Mobile Access – Device-independent
or Accessible. Dominique Hazaël-Massieux participates in a panel
at European Accessibility Forum.
* 31 March, Paris, France: Improving Society through Better Use of
Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler presents at Technical
Regulation of the Internet.
* 21 April, Madrid, Spain: Web Accessibility and Older Users - We
Are There!. Andrew Arch gives a keynote at W4A2009 -
International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web
* 23 April, Lisbon, Portugal: Improving Society through Better Use
of Web Standards. Daniel Dardailler participates in a panel at
ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum.
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introduction to the Semantic Web.
Ivan Herman gives a tutorial at 2009 Semantic Technology
* 15 June, San Jose, CA, USA: What is New in W3C Land?. Ivan
Herman presents at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 16 June, San Jose, CA, USA: Introducing OWL 2. Ivan Herman
participates in a panel at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* 17 June, San Jose, USA: XBRL and the Semantic Web. Dave Raggett,
Diane Mueller present at 2009 Semantic Technology Conference.
* View upcoming talks by country
* More talks...

W3C Membership

W3C Members receive the W3C Member Newsletter, a weekly digest of
Member-only announcements and other benefits.

If you or your organization cannot join W3C, we invite you to
support W3C through a contribution.

About W3C

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium
where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work
together to develop Web standards. Read about W3C.

Contact Us

Bookmark this edition or the latest Public Newsletter and see past
issues and press releases. Subscribe to receive the Public
Newsletter by email. If you no longer wish to receive the
Newsletter, send us an unsubscribe email. Comments? Write the W3C
Communications Team (

This edition on the Web:
Latest Public Newsletter:

Copyright © 2009 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Usage policies apply.

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Location: India

Born on shraavana shudha chauthi of dundubhi naama samvaswara, Im kiran alias kini alias kiri bought up by loving parents. Being from agricultural family I have learnt plowing, carting but never learnt climbing trees. Now away from home I have lost touch with the agricultural skills.

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